Saturday, August 31, 2019

Information about "Sugar apple" by Mr.R Photography

The sugar-apple, or sweetsop, is the fruit of Annona squamosa, the most widely grown species of Annona and a native of the tropical Americas and West Indies. The Spanish traders of Manila galleons brought it to Asia, where its old Mexican name ate may still be found in Bengali ata, Nepalese aati, Sinhalese mati anoda, Burmese awzar thee, Indonesia “ Srikaya”’ and atis in the Philippines. It is also known as Seetaphal in India and Shareefa Pakistan and in the Philippines and in Australia. The name is also used in Portuguese as ata.
The fruit is similar in sweetness to the sugar-apple but has a very different taste. As its name suggests, it tastes like pineapple.The color is typically pale green through blue-green, with a deep pink blush in certain varieties, and typically has a bloom. It is unique among Annona fruits in being segmented, and the segments tend to separate when ripe, exposing the interior.
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Friday, August 30, 2019

Information About "Rosemallows" ("Hibiscus") flower

 Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred speciesthat are native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and those species are commonly known simply as "hibiscus", or less widely known as rose mallow. Other names include hardy hibiscus, rose of sharon, and tropical hibiscus.

Several species are widely cultivated as ornamental plants, notably Hibiscus syriacus and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
A tea made from hibiscus flowers is known by many names around the world and is served both hot and cold. The beverage is known for its red colour, tart flavour, and vitamin C content.
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Friday, August 2, 2019

Information about "Gurmar Leaf" by Mr.R Photography

Gurmar(Gymnema sylvestre ), is a perennial woody vine that grows in tropical areas of India, Africa, and Australia. ... A study published in the Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, tried to investigate 
Diabetes mellitus has become one of the most prevalent metabolic disorders across the world. According to the World Health Organisation, diabetes is a growing challenge in India with estimated 8.7% diabetic population in the age group of 20 and 70 years. Diabetes is a condition marked by elevated blood sugar levels(high blood glucose). Diabetics are often asked to take extra care of their diet. They are advised to regulate their intake of sugary goods, refined carbs and trans-fats.  In Ayurveda, diabetes is referred to as "Madhumeh", and as part of its treatment, Ayurveda, too, suggests avoiding excess intake of sweets and simple carbohydrates. The ancient system of medicine also suggest few herbs that could come in handy to manage blood sugar levels naturally and check fluctuations. One such herb is gurmar.  In fact, when translated in Hindi, gurmar translates to 'the sugar destroyer'. 
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Information about "Leyland cypress"by Mr.R photography

The  Leyland cypress  is a fast-growing  coniferous   evergreen tree  much used in  horticulture , primarily for hedges and screens. Even o...